In 2008, Hanan Abu Moch and her husband Abu Gamil set up a village near the Arab town of Baqa el Garbia in northern Samaria. Hanan 38, mother of four children, is the driving force behind this village. She first established an association of “Women Initiators” which provides employment for about 20 Arab women with the aim of helping with financing their families.
Situated in an area of vines and olive trees, we found booths full of action. Some women were preparing garlands from olive tree leaves, others were learning how to produce olive oil, and happily making soap from olive oil and many other products as in olden times.
to produce olive oil, and happily making soap from olive oil and many other pursuits as in olden times.
This is me and my son visting the farm.
Mrs Garson met Hanan during a visit to the farm where she did some counseling and immediately thought she would suggest that her daughter Arva Garson,. Meet with her as they had many interests jn common.
Arva is 30, active in feminist groups and social welfare and made the acquaintance of Hanan through the “Equality for Women” blog. They met in November 2015 and were soon planning a meeting of women at the Peace Farm which led to the first “Festival of Women of the Land” in March 2016 attended by 800 Jewish and Arab women. Those who came from all over the country participated in workshops, listened to leading Israeli and Arab women figures and joined in the groups dancing together. A report of the Festival appeared in Hebrew in Facebook with photos.
Since then, the farm has developed into a dynamic meeting place, specifically for women in the Arab sector, to promote employment for women and where they can learn, relax and enjoy each other’s company.