הצטרפו אלינו
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The Organisations


63 Service Type: Research and academic work, bringing information to the public, formal and non formal education, helping weak weak, professional services, sponsorship, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: adults, college and university students, communities, general public, professionals, small business, women, youth, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: south

Shira Banki’s Way

63 Service Type: Events and conferences, Research and academic work, activities experiences, bringing information to the public, consulting, sponsorship Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country

The Council for A Beautiful Israel

63 Service Type: Events and conferences, bringing information to the public, consulting, professional services, sponsorship, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: general public, local government | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Citizens for the Environment

63 Service Type: bringing information to the public, consulting, llegal aid and entitelments, lobbying in public institutions Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: north, whole country

Sustainable Development for the Negev

63 Service Type: Events and conferences, activities for educational institutions, bringing information to the public, consulting, formal and non formal education, lobbying in public institutions, professional services, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: communities, education system, educational institutions, general public, local government, organisations, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: south

pexels-puwadon-sangngern-5340269.jpg NAKI association for the cleaning culture in Israel (N.G.O)

63 Service Type: Research and academic work, activities for educational institutions, bringing information to the public, consulting, formal and non formal education, lobbying in public institutions, professional services Target Audiences: educational institutions, general public, local government, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country

Association of Environmental Justice in Israel (AEJI)

63 Service Type: Research and academic work, bringing information to the public, helping weak weak, lobbying in public institutions Target Audiences: general public, local government | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country

15 Minutes

63 Service Type: Research and academic work, bringing information to the public, consulting, helping weak weak, lobbying in public institutions Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Heschel Center

63 Service Type: Events and conferences, Research and academic work, bringing information to the public, consulting, formal and non formal education, lobbying in public institutions, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: education system, general public, local government, third sector organizations | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country

One Climate

63 Service Type: bringing information to the public, helping weak weak, lobbying in public institutions, political activity Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country