הצטרפו אלינו
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The Organisations


91 Service Type: formal and non formal education, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: women, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: south


91 Service Type: Research and academic work, bringing information to the public, formal and non formal education, helping weak weak, professional services, sponsorship, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: adults, college and university students, communities, general public, professionals, small business, women, youth, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: south

The cleaning cooperative

91 Service Type: formal and non formal education, helping weak weak, professional services, sponsorship Target Audiences: women | Areas Of Operations: whole country

The Jewish-Arab Community Centre in Akko

91 Service Type: activities experiences, formal and non formal education, helping weak weak Target Audiences: Retirees, women, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: north

Talking Peace

91 Service Type: formal and non formal education Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: jerusalem


91 Service Type: activities experiences, formal and non formal education Target Audiences: youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Galilee Dreamers

91 Service Type: formal and non formal education Target Audiences: youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: north

Arab-Jewish Community Center Tel-Aviv Jaffa

91 Service Type: Events and conferences, activities experiences, formal and non formal education, helping weak weak, organizing exhibitions and events, sponsorship Target Audiences: adults, general public, women, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: center

The Green Network

91 Service Type: activities for educational institutions, consulting, formal and non formal education, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: educational institutions, educators and lecturers, local government, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Sustainable Development for the Negev

91 Service Type: Events and conferences, activities for educational institutions, bringing information to the public, consulting, formal and non formal education, lobbying in public institutions, professional services, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: communities, education system, educational institutions, general public, local government, organisations, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: south