Be trained as a professional facilitator and gain the skills required for conflict transformation

Seeds of Peace is proud to announce the renewal of its Dialogue Facilitation and Conflict Transformation Course. The year-long intensive program is designed to provide professional peace-building skills and opportunities in the field of dialogue facilitation and conflict transformation.

This one-of-a-kind course will enable you to begin developing personal and professional abilities needed to effectively and directly contribute to peacebuilding. It will also serve as a foundation for professional work in the field, as past participants have used their skills to gain employment in conflict resolution and other professional environments. Additionally, this is a rare opportunity to engage with a remarkable network of Palestinian and Israeli peers.

Previous course graduates reported working for more than 50 projects and institutions in Palestine and Israel.


The course will be held on a hybrid format, online and in person, from October 16, 2020 to May 28, 2021, meeting most Fridays for a total of 25 meetings and 145 classroom hours. Due to limitations presently imposed by COVID-19, the first ten sessions of the course will be held virtually (Zoom) on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The rest of the course is planned to include in-person classes on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Jerusalem, with appropriate COVID-19 adjustments and according to the local gathering, transportation, and other limitations of the time.

Key elements of the course include:
• Course participation will require some theoretical reading; however, learning is largely experiential. Participants are required to be on time and attend at least 80 percent of classes in order to complete the course and receive a certificate.
• The course is taught entirely in English.
• Classes will be primarily held either in Jerusalem, or virtually. It is possible that several meetings will be held in the West Bank. Seeds of Peace will provide all arrangements and necessary permits.
• Participants are required to facilitate a minimum of 40 hours of field service at Seeds of Peace events in Palestine and Israel. This requirement may be fulfilled over the next two years following the completion of the course’s regular meetings.
• Course graduates who have completed all requirements will have the opportunity to apply for a paid facilitator position for a month-long session at the Seeds of Peace Camp, or other Summer Programs, in 2021 or 2022. It is our hope and expectation that many of the qualified
participants will attend at least one session of Camp over the summers of 2021 and or 2022. Please be aware that, should you be chosen to facilitate at Camp in Maine (United States) you will be expected to be free from other obligations during one of the two Camp sessions planned mid June to mid August 2021.

Instructors: The course is designed and led by Farhat Agbaria and Danny Metzl, highly experienced facilitators who have years of facilitation experience in a wide range of settings.


Participation is open to both Seeds of Peace alumni as well as those who have not previously participated in Seeds of Peace programs. Applicants must be:
• At least 22 years of age and fluent in English.
• Sincerely interested in developing or improving their facilitation skills and serving their
community/country to reach a sustainable peace.
• Able to attend classes throughout the entire program and commit to 40 hours of field service at local events and if invited, work at Camp in the summers and academic years 2021-2022.


• Ongoing Palestinian-Israeli dialogue centering upon a renewed reality check, personal growth, and empowerment. The dialogue-based group work serves as a “laboratory” to develop and test the possibilities of building a peace and growth centered culture which varies from the dominant cultures of both societies.
• Modeling by two highly experienced facilitators.
• Peer facilitation with feedback and enrichment.
• Systematic development of communication and facilitation skills.
• Introduction to a rich set of facilitation tools.
• Introduction to group work theory in general, and conflict-based group work in particular.
• Introduction to a unique model of work which attempts to integrate personal growth with conflict-based group work. The model is deemed to be more therapeutic than other common conflict-based group work models. It requires the development of specific skills beyond the normal set of facilitation skills. The model is designed to build, overtime, individual transformation, the development of a unique group culture and to effect both societies in their quest for peace.
• Supervised work at the Seeds of Peace Camp which, although paid, is viewed as part of the learning experience. You and your co-facilitator will be expected to write a final report. You will be certificated as an experienced Camp facilitator.


Course participants receive:
• First-rate training and supervision.
• Professional skills valuable for a range of professional environments.
• Rare opportunities for practice in the field of dialogue facilitation and conflict transformation.
• Rare opportunity to meet Israelis/Palestinians and engage with them for better understanding between people and their personal and societal needs, hopes and visions.
• Certification as a Seeds of Peace trained facilitator following the completion of all course requirements.


The program is almost fully subsidized by Seeds of Peace. Participants are required to pay NIS 750 for the entire program as a testimony of their commitment and seriousness and as a small contribution towards the maintenance of the program. Participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements to and from the course. Stipends may be available if necessary.


For additional information on the Dialogue Facilitation and Conflict Transformation Course, please contact one of the program instructors:

Or contact the Seeds of Peace staff: