הצטרפו אלינו
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The Organisations

Freddie Krivine Initiative

80 Service Type: activities experiences, formal and non formal education Target Audiences: youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Sha’ar LaAdam-Bab Lil’Insan

80 Service Type: activities experiences, organizing exhibitions and events Target Audiences: general public, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: north


80 Service Type: activities experiences, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: college and university students | Areas Of Operations: whole country


80 Service Type: activities experiences, bringing information to the public, formal and non formal education Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: Judea and Samaria, whole country

Catchball Friendship League

80 Service Type: activities experiences Target Audiences: women | Areas Of Operations: whole country

Good Neighbors

80 Service Type: activities experiences, volunteering activities Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: jerusalem

Tomorrow’s Women

80 Service Type: activities experiences, training and occupational courses Target Audiences: women, youth, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: overseas, whole country

יחד معا- عرب ويهود ערבים ויהודים لحياة مشتركة לעתיד משותף

80 Service Type: activities experiences, bringing information to the public Target Audiences: general public | Areas Of Operations: on line, whole country


80 Service Type: activities experiences, activities for educational institutions, formal and non formal education Target Audiences: communities, youth, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: whole country

מקהלת הנוער הירושלמית – جوقة الشبيبة المقدسية – The Jerusalem Youth Chorus

80 Service Type: activities experiences, formal and non formal education, organizing exhibitions and events, volunteering activities Target Audiences: adults, artisans, communities, educators and lecturers, general public, organisations, professionals, third sector organizations, youth and kids | Areas Of Operations: jerusalem