It’s all happening now!!
After months of intense work, excitement and celebration, sweat and tears, our debut album sees the light of day!!!
Those who haven’t yet purchased the album through our crowd-funding campaign are welcome to click on the link below and purchase through bandcamp:
We also have hard copies! Write to Adva at and we’ll send you a CD to your home.
Once again, a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped us make this dream come true: the crowdfunding donors, and all those who supported us and gave of their time, talents and skills.
As for the wonderful music clip: Asham (To Sham) – A Palestinian love song combined with verses from Song of Songs (cpmposed by Francoise Atlan & Moneim Adwan) – a HUGE thank you to PO Studio, to Roni Edri and Vered Reshef Gozlan and the creative team: Roie Litan, Noa Cahana, Gal Cohen, Tal Levi, Chaim Zilberstein, and makeup artist Yuval Amidan who all volunteered their time and talent!
See you at our album launch concert on the 10.01.2019 at Beit HaYotzer in Tel Aviv